USA Dentists

16 Dentists or Practitioners Found:

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Aliquippa, PA 15001
Collegeville, PA 19426
Greenville, PA 16125
Red Lion, PA 17356

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Only dentists who are on Dr. Tom McGuire's Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory are listed. He considers members to be holistic in their approach to dentistry because they are qualified to safely remove and replace mercury amalgam silver fillings and they are aware of the important relationship of oral to overall health. To learn about the advantages of choosing a Mercury Free (Amalgam Silver Free) and Mercury Safe Dentist from Dr. McGuire's Directory, Click Here.

Can't Find a Mercury Free Dentist - Amalgam Free Dentist - or Mercury Safe Dentist on Dr. McGuire's Mercury Safe Dentist Directory?

If you don't find a mercury safe dentist listed in your area click here for more information.

Tell Your Mercury Safe Dentist where You found Him or Her

If you select a Mercury Free and Mercury Safe Dentist from the Directory Listing please let the dentist know that you found him/her from Dr. McGuire's website and be sure to say hello from Dr. Tom.

Advantages of Choosing a Member Dentist Who is Mercury Free And Mercury Safe

My Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Filling Free and Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory includes dentists who are also members of the International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD).

There are a number of distinct advantages of choosing Mercury Safe Dentists, the most important being is that member dentists commit to the following : 

The member dentist is Mercury Amalgam/Silver Filling Free and will not place mercury amalgam fillings;

The member dentist will use Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Protocols that protects the patient, as much as possible, from unnecessary and excessive exposure to mercury during filling removal. Not all mercury safe dentists use the same removal protocols so always ask the dentist if you are unsure about any procedure he or she is using;

Every treatment or service offered by a member dentist will be available to the patient;

The member dentist will be trained in every treatment and therapy he or she offers;

The member dentist will, if requested, provide patients with a source of information about the health hazards of mercury amalgam/silver fillings, mercury detoxification, and oral hygiene education;

The member dentist will, if requested, provide patients with a source of information about the relationship of oral to overall health; and

    • The dentist pledges to practice with integrity and honesty.

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Unless otherwise indicated, Dr. McGuire has no personal knowledge of any Mercury Safe Dentist listed in the directory. The mercury safe dentist internent directory is meant to provide information about dentists who are members of the Mercury Safe Dental Internet Listing Service. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the material on the listing and a dentist listed does not mean that we personally endorse that dentist. We do not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in a dentists listing nor do we endorse or recommend or are responsible for any treatment or product recommended by a dentist listed on the directory. The purpose of this listing is to provide those looking for a mercury safe and mercury (amalgam free) free dentist on the Internet with dentists who state they are Mercury Amalgam Free and Mercury Safe. It is up to the individual to determine if a dentist listed on the Mercury Safe Dentist Directory provides that service.