The Education Dentist and a Leading Authority on Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings, Chronic Mercury Poisoning, Mercury Detoxification, and Holistic Dental Wellness
NEW! Dr. McGuire's new Video, Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth conclusively proves that not only do amalgam fillings release toxic mercury vapor - but that the common act of brushing just one amalgam filling - will release more mercury than allowed by governmental regulatory agencies at the workplace. Click Here to watch this amazing video demonstration - and don’t forget to tell your friends and family!
About Dr. Tom McGuire
Dr. Tom McGuire has been a mercury free (amalgam free), mercury safe, holistic dentist for over 40 years and is an innovator and leader in holistic dental wellness. He has spent the last 25 years researching mercury amalgam fillings and studying their effects on overall health. Dr. McGuire is considered one of the leading authorities on mercury amalgam fillings, chronic mercury poisoning, and mercury detoxification.
Please Note:
Dr. McGuire no longer has a clinical dental practice and does not see, or treat patients, nor can he diagnose any dental or medical problems via email or over the telephone. He receives hundreds of email and phone requests per week from those who are seeking answers to their oral health questions. Please understand that it is not possible for him to spend the time required to adequately respond to each request he receives.
Although he no longer practices clinical dentistry he has devoted years to providing patients with information related to his area of expertise on his website, www.mercurysafedentist.com. We recommend that you take advantage of the over 400 pages of information the website provides to find answers to your questions.
Dr. Tom's website www.dentalwellness4u.com is the largest and most visited website of its kind, with over 400 pages of information for the patient, dentist, and health practitioner. He has written a number of best-selling books on the hazardous effects of mercury amalgam fillings, mercury detoxification and the relationship of oral to overall health, including:
- The Poison in Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . . Hazardous to Your Health!
- Mercury Detoxification: The Natural Way to Remove Mercury from Your Body
- Healthy Teeth - Healthy Body: How to Improve Your Oral and Overall Health
The easiest two easiest ways to find information on his website is to use Google Site Search by linking to www.dentalwellness4u.com/SearchWebsite.php . You can also search the Oral Health Topics and Frequently Asked Questions section on the Homepage by Clicking Here.
If you cannot find answers to your questions on his website or books, or if you find you want more detailed information about a related topic, Dr. McGuire is available for a limited number of phone consultations each month. Click Here for information on scheduling and consulting fees. For more information about how to set up a phone consultation with Dr. Tom, please call 707-763-7220. The Office staff is not qualified to answer dental or health related questions and Dr. McGuire will not respond to calls for those wanting answers to their questions, however brief.
How to Find a Mercury Safe Dentist in Your Area
Dr. McGuire has the largest and most comprehensive list of Holistic, Mercury Free (amalgam free), & Mercury Safe dentists on the Internet. To find a dentist on his Mercury Safe Dentist Directory Click Here. (If you know of a dentist who is mercury free and mercury safe that is not listed with Dr. Tom you can refer him, or her, to his Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory Homepage by Clicking Here.)
His website offers a number of Oral Health Care Products that are designed to work with his Healthy Teeth - Healthy Body book to help you eliminate gum disease and restore your mouth to optimal oral health and function. Click Here to access his unique and beneficial Oral Health Care Products.
NEW! The newest addition to Dr. Tom's oral health care product line is OraMD. This unique, 100% natural product consists of a proprietary blend of three bacteria fighting essential oils and is a is a liquid toothpaste, mouthwash, and breath freshener - all in one! OraMD is free of preservatives, additives, chemicals and fluoride. It has been proven to kill gum disease causing bacteria and costs less than any equivalent commercial oral health products. Click Here to learn more about it and receive Dr. McGuire's books as a free bonus offer.
As one of the leading authorities on Mercury Detoxification he also has his own line of mercury detoxification supplements. His over 25 years of research in this area has shown him that while it is very important to remove the primary source of mercury poisoning, mercury amalgam (silver) fillings, it is just as important to support the body's efforts at removing the mercury that has accumulated in the body. All of this is explained in Mercury Detoxification: The Natural Way to Remove Mercury from Your Body. You can get more detailed information about his mercury detoxification supplements by Clicking Here.
How to Safely Remove Amalgam Fillings
Dr. McGuire and Dr. Paul Rubin are the world's leading authorities on practicing mercury safe dentistry and have produced the only DVD Course of its kind for dentists wishing to make sure their dental practices are as mercury safe as possible - for their patients, their staff, themselves, and the environment. Their DVD Course; How to Make Your Practice Mercury Safe: Minimizing Occupational Exposure to Mercury at the Dental Office is the A to Z guide to this subject. If you are a mercury free and safe dentist and want more information about the DVD please go to our New Directions Dentistry Website by Clicking Here. If you are a patient and care about your dentist, we recommend you refer him, or her, to our NDD website.
Dr. Tom is the founder of the International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD). The IAMSD is dedicated to supporting mercury free and mercury safe dentists and to providing patients with a source of committed mercury free and mercury safe dentists.
Dr. McGuire received his BS at San Francisco State University and his DDS at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco. He lives in Northern California with his wife, Zoe, where he continues to spread the word about the importance of oral health and its relationship to overall health.